Please see below for different resources to help your student prepare for the Milestones:
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are getting closer to our Spring Georgia Milestone Assessment Testing Window and are making final preparations. Our Window opens on April 21st and closes on May 9th. We wanted to make you aware of our testing schedule for 2025 so that you could help prepare your children for their scheduled testing days and give you some more information for this year's testing. Please read the Parent Information Letter - Final Preparations for Testing.
Georgia Milestones Testing Dates (also found in the letter):
Monday, April 21 English/Language Arts (section 1: essay portion); grades 4-8
Tuesday, April 22 English/Language Arts (sections 2 & 3); grades 4-8
Wednesday, April 23 Math (sections 1 & 2); grades 4-8
Thursday, April 24 Science (sections 1 & 2); grade 5 & HS Physical Science (sections 1 & 2); grade 8
Friday, April 25 Social Studies (sections 1 & 2); grade 8
Monday, April 28 English/Language Arts (section 1: essay portion); grade 3
Tuesday, April 29 English/Language Arts (sections 2 & 3); grade 3
Wednesday, April 30 Math (sections 1 & 2); grade 3
Thursday, May 1 Algebra EOC (only for students currently enrolled in the 8th grade Enhanced Algebra: Concepts and Connections)
Please note that state law regarding promotion/retention will be implemented in 2025. In order to be promoted, students in 3rd grade must demonstrate on-grade level reading ability on the Georgia Milestones, and students in 5th & 8th grades must demonstrate on-grade level ability in reading and math.
Students in grades 3, 5, or 8 who do not perform on grade level in the areas of reading and/or math will retest for ELA/Reading on June 2nd and/or Math on June 3rd. Algebra students who score below a 70% on their EOC Assessment will be given an opportunity to retest July 9-11th - the testing date will be finalized in June.
As always, you can assist your child by ensuring that she or he:
gets plenty of rest during the testing weeks,
eats a healthy breakfast,
brings a snack and a bottle of water,
is present and punctual each day of testing (we will begin testing promptly at 8:00 AM at the Upper
Campus and promptly at 8:15 AM at the Lower Campus),
understands that this test is a positive opportunity to demonstrate what she or he knows.
We appreciate your continued interest in the education of your child(ren) and your support of our school. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated and caring school community of parents, teachers, staff, and students!
Your 3rd Grade Level Team
Please read the Georgia Milestone Assessment Parent Letter to receive more information about the upcoming End-of-Grade (EOG) and/or End-of-Course (EOC) Milestone Assessments that your child will be taking at the end of the school year. We will be reviewing for the Milestones assessment in class and discussing test-taking strategies. If you have any questions about Milestones assessment, please join us for our Milestones Parent Night on Thursday, March 27th 2025 at 6:30 PM (Zoom Link to join is available on our ICSAtlanta Event's calendar on our school’s website). In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher with any questions you may have.

1 - Milestones Practice Test
2 - 3rd Grade Study/ Research Guide

3 - How to access your student's milestone results